Friday, June 12, 2009

disconnect the dots

HHHHHHHHHHH finally out of school, though i can't say i've. been productive. I got my hands on sims 3, and have been snuffling around for a job. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go take up residence at the local LUSH. For anyone who doesnt know it's an all natural handmade soap and cosmetics store, and one of my favourite favourite places in the world. Next to Anthropologie and Lucky Brand.
BUT ANYWAY a few pictures, not the best. I haven't been drawing much. Methinks the next post i'll try to do some traditional stuff, if anyones interested in seeing all that.
but yes
did this really fast to throw in my portfolio for art which was gay. Sorry its so crappy, but it's suppose to be Sylvie Varton..i think thats how you spell it. Not an avid fan but she's very very cute

annd SCENE

7 comments: said...

AHAHA oh man, true that. The joke with lush is most products are just one product off from being edible. I admit ive licked a soap or too out of curiosity.

and ff thanks bb, i like her too sorta kinda. i couldnt fuckin see what i was doing. i think my eyes have seriously gotten worse. but yeeahhh. I got an A in the class, so it was fine. i was still like >:( thought

Nico said...

lovely! and great Sylvie pic! Miss ya brie brie

Damion009 said...

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BEEN TOO LONG.... BUT NOW I'M HAPPY!!! IT'S GOOD TO SEE SOME NOW WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

@Damion- YEESS!!! hopefully ill. keep it up. hopefully.

@nico- yesssss...i actually. got that picture from your blog. i drew another picture from there but its on PAPER so boo. misss you toooooo!

Katie said...

The top drawing is really beautiful! So stylish and pretty. And I recognized Sylvie right away. She's got the best teeth! said...

yess.. she really does. We had to watch a bunch of videos of her in french class awhile back, She is really Adorable. I can't remember the name of the song but I like the video of her chilling at a pool.
Thanks Katie!

Tapan Gandhi said...

brie, the first illustration rocks. i absolutely love her eyelashes