Ok so I think i've been up 24 hours...im not really sure, honestly. I'm a bit delirious. but uh. yeah. some doodles. first some linelesscolours practice (its really hard to do in my drawing program cause there isnt. any opacity. youve gotta make new layers for bloody everything) uh my first. facebook graffitti. and an older picture i made of roger waters from memory.just to. spice things up. but yeah. HENHOY. ROCKLOBSTA!!! also blogger actually let me put my music up..neat. though its pretty much 75% barenaked ladies. cause. they are all i seem to listen to anymore. THEY ARE THE MELODY OF MY LIFE I TELL YOU WHAT
mmm,but yes.just feel like updating this. even though its just mindless hodgepodge...
also my new fav animal TIGGIES!!!
but yes...stupid update, ive been sad and cold lately from school. that usually = lollnogooddrawings, so bear with me, bear with me. be with me tonight.